Are you a student and looking for a room, studio, apartment or other accommodation in Leeuwarden? is helping you in finding the required housing in any of the 65 cities in The Netherlands where we are active. Due to our great experience in the housing market and due to our collaboration with more than 200 connected estate agents in the Netherlands we are able to find your prospective house for the best price and conditions.
Many people come to Leeuwarden primarily because of its vibrant student life. The Van Hall Larenstein in the campus has its functioning student association by the name or Osiris. Moreover, the city of Leeuwarden takes in quite a few general student organizations that are given all kinds of activities on behalf of the study courses.
Typically, the search for student accommodation has been proven to be difficult by many students across the world. However, at Leeuwarden, there are countless solutions for housing, depending on the location of your selected campus. Student accommodation in the Netherlands varies from other European countries. Most of the universities in these places typically do not offer housing on campus, thus leaving a lot of the Dutch and International student to look for their accommodation on the private market or social media.
The Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science makes use of the services provided by their partner StudentStay Leeuwarden to help arrange furnished rooms for non-European Master and Certificate students who wish to have a short stay. The student houses are placed at a reasonable distance from the university itself. If you choose to request for accommodation, you are most likely to receive your private room but required to share the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry equipment provided by the university. Room prices vary in the range between 300 and 450 euros per month. This normally includes service costs such as water, heating, and taxes. Additional things like bed linen are usually ordered separately. When you complete your admission early, the university will contact you immediately. Furthermore, you also have the freedom to organize housing on your own time, a choice suited for those who have specific individual requirements.
Various private housing agencies offer students affordable housing in the city center of Leeuwarden. They typically give a vast range of furnished or unfurnished rooms, which generally cost between 300 and 450 a month. If you wish to conduct your search for accommodation, it is best if you start in August since the prices of the rooms tend to be on the lesser side. In most student houses. Van Hall Larenstein can also arrange fully furnished accommodation in one of their partner’s buildings for you in case there is an excess of available housing. You can always make a request to be added on the waiting list by sending a direct message to them. All rooms will be subject to availability, but what is great about studying at Leeuwarden is that you are always guaranteed a spot.
Amsterdam, Groningen , Utrecht, Maastricht, Eindhoven, Enschede, Rotterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Leeuwarden, Leiden, Nijmegen, Tilburg